Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tough Choices

I am not living on government assistance and don't qualify for it yet. But it sadly seems to be a good possibility for me not too far down the road. I'm not sure how long I can make the money I have now stretch. I heard that many Americans live paycheck to paycheck. I don't know what the statistics are. Unlike some folks I really hate the idea of depending on assistance.

I need a job. I'm not sure what kind of job I should be looking for. I may end up working at McDonalds. That was where I worked when I first graduated from college with my degree in Religion and Philosophy. It was not a very practical thing to get a degree in. Neither was my first choice for a major when I started college. After trying then to consider my strengths I decided upon an art major. I didn't really have drive for art however. I don't know if I have ever had a drive for anything. I did really want to get married. I thought I would have children.

And wanted to go to college from when I was in Junior High School. I knew I was smart enough. So maybe that was the main reason I wanted to go. My mom had gotten a college degree, worked a few years and then she got married, and quit working when she had me. I guess I was supposing that I would be like her, marry soon after college and be a well educated mother. I didn't really have any strong ambitions for what I wanted to do as far as employment. I have had a very hard time figuring out what I'm really good at.

Advice about how to get hired and get your resume noticed seems hard for me to take. On this one talk show they were saying you should put your achievements on your resume. The guy said and everyone has achievements.

So far I've tried to think of what sort of accomplishments I could put on my resume and nothing much in the way of achievements has come to mind. Even people who have been in jail get jobs. So I guess there must be something out there for me somewhere. I have stayed out of jail so far. I am reasonably intelligent. I read Les Miserables last year. That was a bit of an achievement, I think it took me about 2 months. I have read books about grammar for fun and tried to work at my writing skills. I'm thinking that and $5 bucks will buy me a cup of coffee at Starbucks (if I was willing to pay that much).

I just found out that not only does my dog (one of two) have a broken leg, but he has heartworms also. Arg! How do you put a value on a dog? He is the best companion and most loyal and affectionate dog a person could ask for. And he seems to really like my company, he actually wants to be around me. I'm not sure if any humans like my company quite so much. I don't have to do anything special and he just likes hanging around. Isn't that great?

With times the way they are I guess it's true that a lot of us are having to make tough choices.

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