Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I invented random

I was reading an old post on Down to Earth (a blog I follow, she has lots of followers). This particular post was about schedules. She had posted comments or something that other people had written in. One of the odder ones was someone who said she and hubby get up at noon and go to sleep at about 3 or 4, she said they don't work (maybe retired). One person said she is not much of a routine keeper.

That would be me at the moment.

I get up when I wake up (more or less). Sometimes I wake up at sometime between 3-6am get up for a while and then go back to bed. I don't really like to get up that early but sometimes I just can't seem to get back to sleep. If I do get up early then and go back to bed, I'm likely to rise between 8-11am. I take a bath and eat breakfast or I might do the it the other way around. I often listen to the radio.

I clean up dishes. I might eat lunch immediately after I finish cleaning up breakfast!

I walk or drive to my brother's house and get on computer. I might stay on the computer all day or a few hours. Sometimes I do some tidying up at his house. I vacuumed for him recently. I might turn on the TV. I might eat something (I bring food over sometimes). If I have stayed on the computer all day my brother might come home between 4-5 and want to take a nap. I might listen to the radio.

I might leave my brother's house and go for a walk. I might go home and cook. I might listen to the radio at my house some more. I might take a nap.

I have been sometimes doing some quilting when I get up early, in the morning or in the evening. Twice a month I go to quilt meetings if I remember. I have been remembering recently.

I have been doing some reading. Sometimes I get up and read when I wake up early. Sometimes I read before I go to bed, or in the evenings while I'm cooking and waiting for something to get done (like making brown rice which takes 45 minutes to prepare). Sometimes I refer to cookbooks. Sometime or other I go to wash my clothes at the laundrymat, sometimes I read there. I shop for for food most anytime.

This week I went to church on Sunday. I went to a fall festival on Saturday.

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