Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My diet!

What is getting me out of bed in the morning? I wish I could say it was something more profound.

Food. That's the answer. Yesterday, it was candy. I got up kinda early and hurried off to go find the sales on Easter candy. Polished off the small carton of milk (what are those things called?) last night. Malted Milk Balls, that's it. (I just bought one of those. Also bought some dark chocolate Dove's, 2 bags, and milk chocolate, 1 bag - to share, I'm not a milk chocolate person, and 1 bag of jelly beans. I wanted some Jelly Belly but I couldn't find any.)

Is my age showing, or is it my diet? Candy-induced brain fog.

Last week, I ate a whole box of candy that I bought at Christmas. As long as it was unopened, I was okay, it lasted until April, but then I opened it. I thought the chewies were too chewy. I liked the cremes the best. Hmm, better try another one!

I also brought home 3 packages of cookies: 2 varieties of pecan sandies and some sugar wafers.

But hey, I did get some lettuce (organic even).

This morning I had a craving for egg salad. That's what got me going this morning.

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